Optimizing your booking agency in 2021

Running a booking agency is no easy feat. There is a constant stream of situations that need to be attended to, each of which requires your full concentration. Not only is the job non-stop around the clock, but the level of focus and dedication is beyond what one person can do.

‍ The digital age we live in has increased expectations, and to face those expectations, we present to you our artist management and bookings platform, Stagent.

‍ Stagent is developed for both agencies and artists alike. In order to compete in the music industry, it's critical that teams are organized and able to make informed decisions quickly. Stagent is here to help teams be able to make accurate and fast decisions. The platform streamlines all the information at your fingertips so that you have easy access to what you need when you need it. With Stagent, every single document, agreement, and relevant piece of information is at your fingertips!

‍ Stagent allows agencies to organize their booking schedules in a new way. With Stagent, you can book multiple performances in different places (or even the same venue) in one night. Typically a cumbersome task, this becomes much easier and intuitive when handled using Stagent.

‍ Need an invoice from a booking six months ago, or need a copy of the most up-to-date tech rider to send to a venue? Stagent will make these types of actions effortless… and more. By handling your bookings inside Stagent itself, Stagent gives you the peace of mind to know that your paperwork is taken care of in one central location. You can process promoters' payments directly inside the platform as well, giving you one central command center for your artists and their finances. Using Stagent will make it clear how much each person gets from the booking fee, helping you and your team reach a higher level of communication. With everyone on the same page, your team will become much more efficient and effective at getting the job done, tracked down to every relevant detail. ‍

Stagent can also help you handle challenges artists face on the road. Automated itineraries take care of flight changes, inform every relevant party on tour, and pass on their updated routes. The simple, innovative, and intuitive design will give artists and their tour managers easy access to the same documents you work with to make their lives easier on the road and your life easier in the office. Bookings and communication will be made much more effective and simple, with one easy switch to using Stagent.

‍ Artist bookings need to be handled with care and the utmost attention to detail. Stagent will take care of all of the noise and make sure that teams can work on the important stuff. Now, it's finally time to focus on making good music, booking good parties, and growing your brand again!

The Stagent platform is live! Sparked your interest? Head over to the pricing page to find a plan that fits your needs and start a 30-day free trial or request a demo.

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